Wao, ets bin kwhyta why-ull sense milast pawst, hizzen tit? Tabeh blaytint lee on-est, yoo hivint mist match. A lie vrilly bin dune is stood ying farther SAT, wit shime, eentress tinnly inuff, gun to take further third time. Dhe re-zen eye'm take nit summon E times ease that eye wan tah per-fex core, sew eye ken goat a call edge end learn menneth ings. Eye le-blurning weigh 2 motch to not goat a call edge. Perhaps mi-mind wood goak raisy effie dew nut goat a call edge. I ha pie get ugh wood squagh on dhe SAT. Mi-mind rill E dip ends on it.
Wesh meh look.