There are cold people who live in a cold world, but what does cold even mean? Does it imply mean spirited and evil, for recall that the climax of an emotion, usually a fake one is the reaction to cold air. Coldness as a metaphor for the lack of emotion doesn't seem to fit as well, now does it?
Am I just blowing smoke? I'm so tired that I can't tell. Wait, perception never comes from different senses, no matter how tired one is, right? Am I asking questions right now? Let me answer that: no. Um.
The forest of questions is labyrinthing a build for my mind, so I can't answer any more. Wait, I think I see the path, oh, no, that was just a lame tree. Why is there blood on it. Oh yeah, I smashed into it the other day, or was it night?
I can't tell with all of this darkness that, where's the sun? Oh yeah, it's gone. I'm hiding from it because it killed my parents. What an irrational fear, right? Wait, what? The sun is just non-existant? Maybe that's your mind playing tricks on you.
Wait, perception tells you what's real, so you'd better get that fricken thing fixed before people start calling you crazy. Yeah. I know. When did the word crazy even enter the crazy brained people.
thoughtOh wait, I'm addressing a crazy-minded person.mind Oh how bizarre.mind
Yes. Do what you want, but don't let people call you crazy, okay. You perhaps don't deserve it. In fact, it behooves you not to get called crazy. What's the it I'm referring to? I think it's the situation or something. Whatever, there goes my slepthoughtsmindbrainsourgeaintitfunny thatijuststoppedtypinwriteafterthefrie ndlyguytoldmetoondahintanets? Good Night, MORning! Sorry, i mexed ip.