I am very bored right now. I'm currently living the last few days of my life where I don't have to work. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should make a flash or something. I just can't decide. I don't feel inspired or anything.
I only get brief moments of inspiration when I really want to do something or make something. After a few minutes of trying to make something I get really bored and wonder why the hell I'm doing it. Then I want to make something else, something different. This pattern keeps going on and on.
In other words, I guess you could say I'm really bad at focusing my attention. Yeah, that's it. Focus is my trouble. I should practice that.
The internet kills my focus. No, actually, to be more specific, being on my computer kills my focus. I sometimes spend several hours trying to find something to do, and feeling like I'm doing something just because I'm on the computer. It's really weird how you can spend so much time doing nothing.
I should stop.